Camper Guidelines

Please review with your camper prior to their first day of camp:

Character counts at Camp.

Be kind and respectful to everyone.

Play fair, and be a good sport during games.

Be trustworthy by listening and staying with your counselors at all times.

Include others and share equipment – Exception: do not share food.

Practice citizenship by caring for our environment and disposing of trash after snack and lunch.

Be responsible by wearing sneakers and socks at all athletic activities.
(Crocs, flip-flops, and pool shoes may be worn to and from the pool, but not for physical activities.)

Be the best you can be every day and never give up.

Cell Phones Policy

We request that campers leave their cellular phones at home. Our camp counselors do not carry cell phones during the camp day. Demonstrate courage by leaving your cell phones and all your toys at home.

We would request that campers leave all means of technology (including cell phones and apple watches) at home. The transitions that we make at camp between activities and swimming are quick-paced, and expensive electronic devices can be easily misplaced.