Health Guidelines

Compliance with Dept. of Health Guidelines

For more information regarding the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Guidelines and Regulations for Summer Camps, visit the following website: On the Health and Human Services Page, the information on “Stay Healthy This Summer” is displayed. Additionally, place the word “Camp” in the search box and click on “Recreational Camp Information for Parents” for information about “Recreational Camps in Massachusetts” and a link to “Meningococcal Disease and Camp Attendees: Commonly Asked Questions

The use of tobacco products of any kind, alcohol, and drugs are not permitted on camp property.

“This camp must comply with the regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (105 CMR 430) and be licensed by the Lexington Board of Health. Information on these regulations can be obtained at (617) 983-6761” or

Medical Procedures

Emergency care procedures are performed by registered nurses. The camp physician establishes the medical protocol for treating mildly ill campers and serious emergencies. Each camper must have a physical form signed by a physician, with current immunization records, by April 1. Camper prescriptions must be given to the nurse or a camp staff member in the original labeled container. A parent/guardian written note requesting that camp medical personnel administer the medication during the camp day must accompany the medication. We will contact you to confer about your camper if they become ill at camp and requires additional care.

Sunscreen & Insect Repellant

The camp property contains open fields without tree cover and is surrounded by multiple acres of a wooded area. We encourage you to apply sunscreen to your camper in the morning. A few minutes after the skin absorbs the sunscreen, we strongly recommend that you spray your camper with an insect repellant that includes protection from mosquitoes and ticks.

Please send sunscreen and insect repellant of your choice, and your camper’s counselor will manage the items (to avoid accidental eye irritations). We also have sunscreen and insect repellant at camp. We will assist our youngest campers with re-applicating sunscreen to exposed skin, including but not limited to the face, top of ears, bare shoulders, arms, and legs. School-aged children will be reminded and may apply sunscreen to themselves with supervision. We will also teach the campers how to conduct tick checks after we have been exploring the wooded areas (e.g., nature period).