Snack & Lunch

Pack your camper’s lunch and snacks in separate vinyl bags or lunch boxes with an ice pack. The bag should include the words “snack” or “lunch” and the camper’s name. This small task is assist counselors in delineating what is intended for snack and lunch. Morning snack is scheduled for 10:30 AM. You may also pack a juice box or beverage with lunch and an ice pack. Please pack two filled, plastic water bottles each day.

We encourage campers to eat their entire lunch and ask the campers to keep (within reason) what they did not finish in their lunch bag. This will allow you to know their food intake for the day and adjust meals accordingly. Due to various types of food allergies, we enforce a “no sharing of food rule” to ensure that campers do not eat food that did not come from their home. When packing your camper’s lunch, please be considerate and refrain from packing peanut butter. Occasionally, on special events, we serve food. If your camper has a food allergy, you will be informed of the items that we may be serving.